Department of economics
A) Activities
- Arthvishwa Sadar
- Arthvedh Wallpaper
- Guest lectures
- Lead College Workshops and Group Discussion regarding to Economics Current Issues
- Industrial Visits
- Quiz Competition
- Surprise Test
- Unit Test
- Library Visit
- Bank Visit
- Film Screening
- Students’ Seminars
- Project Work
B)Department Activity
2018-19 |
Sr. |
Activity |
Topic |
Chief Guest/Resource Person/s |
Date |
1 |
World Population Day | Population of India |
Prof. Mrs. Priyanka Sable |
11th July 2018 |
2 |
Inauguration of Arthvishwa Sadar | Arthvishwa Sadar |
Prin.Dr. J. S. Patil |
24th July 2018 |
3 |
Lead College Workshop | “Indian Banking Present Status: Problems and Prospectus” |
Mr. P. N. Joshi (Former Chairman United Western Bank) Prof. B. G. Kore (Former Head Dept of Economics S.B.S College, Karad) |
18th Jan 2019 |
4 |
Two-Day National Seminar | “Role of Cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development” |
Hon.Subhashrao Deshmukh (Cabinet Minister for Cooperative, Marketing & Textile Ministry Govt. of Maharashtra) Hon. Haribhau Bagade ( President, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly ) Hon. Shekhar Charegaonkar (President, (State Minister Rank) Maharashtra State Co-operative Council) Hon. Dr. J. F. Patil (Senior Economist, Kolhapur) Hon. Prakash Lonare (President Federation of Cooperative Fisheries Vidarbh Divisional Ltd. Nagpur.) Hon. Pratapsinh Chavan (CEO Pune D.C.C. Bank, Pune.) |
14th & 15th Feb 2019 |
5 |
Farewell Function and Alumni Booklet Publication | Best Wishes to B.A.III Students | Hon. Arun Godbole | 20th March 2019 |
2019-20 |
6 | World Population Day | Population of India | Dr. A. G. Nimase | 11th July 2019 |
7 | Inauguration of Arthvishwa Sadar | Arthvishwa Sadar | Prin. Dr. Subhash Shelake | 22nd Aug 2019 |
8 | Guest Lecture | “How to Manage Money and Be a Smart Investor” | Mr. Prafulla Pawar
Mr. Dhrupad Gaikwad |
26th Dec 2019 |
9 | Lead College Workshop | “Green Marketing” | Mr. Anil Kulkarni (Krushi Mitra)
Dr. Bharat Patil (M. B. S. Kadam Kannya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon) |
17th Jan 2020 |
10 | Guest Lecture | “Employment Opportunities in Economics” | Prof. Vinod Sagare
(Arts and Commerce College, Undale) |
31st Jan 2020 |
11 | Wall Paper | Economic Nobel Prize Winners Dr. Amartya Sen amd Dr.Abhijit Banarji” | Prof. Vinod Sagare
(Arts and Commerce College, Undale) |
31st Jan 2020 |
2020-21 |
12 |
National Webinar on |
Digital Platform for Teaching and Learning in Social Sciences |
Dr. G. K. Madhe (Shahumandir Mahavidyalya, Parvati Pune)
Dr. Subhash Karande (Chhatrapati. Shivaji College, Satara.) |
24th July 2020 |
2021-22 |
13 |
World Population Day | Population and Economic Development of India | Prin. Dr. J. S. Patil | 11th July 2021 |
14 |
National Webinar |
“75 Years of Indian Independence and the Journey of Indian Economy” |
Chief Guest -
Mrs. Shubhangi Gawade (Secretary, Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha, Kolhapur) Keynote address – Dr. Anilkumar Wavare (Chhatrapati. Shivaji College, Satara.) Resource Person – Dr. Pravin Jadhav ( IITRAM GUJRAT ) President – Prof. Dr. Satish Ghatge ( Senate Member Shivaji University, Kolhapur ) |
11th October 2021 |
15 |
Guest Lecture | Rajarshi Chh. Shahu Mahraj Life and Work | Dr. Abhay Patil (S.G.M. College, Karad.) | 6th May 2022 |
2022-23 |
16 |
Inauguration of Arthvishwa Sadar |
Arthvishwa Sadar |
Capt. Prin. Dr. Mahesh Gaikwad | 28/09/2022 |
17 |
Publication of “ Arthvedh ” WallPaper | “Crypto Currency “ | Prin. Dr. Illa Jogi (Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Karad) | 21/10/2022 |
18 |
MOU | ---- | Prin. Dr. Illa Jogi | 21/10/2022 |
19 |
Guest Lecture | “ Economic Literacy ” | Prof. B. G. Kore | 07/12/2022 |
20 |
Participation in Lead College Workshop S.G.M. College, Karad
5 Students participated |
Role of Small-Scale and Large-Scale Industries in Rural Development of India | Dr. Nitin Patil | 10/2/2023 |
21 |
Organized Lead College Workshop | “ 75 Years of Independence of India and Indian Economy ” | Prof. Dr. A.K. Patil (S. G. M. College, Karad.)
Dr. R.M. Kamble (Arts and Commerce College, Nagthane) |
01/03/2023 |
22 |
Guest Lecture | “ Writing of Research Project ” | Dr. R. D. Lidhade ( Dept of Commerce S. B. S. College, Karad) | 26/4/2023 |
23 |
Participation in Lead College Workshop V.C. College, Karad
5 Students participated |
Entrepreneurship Development in India | Dr. A. K. Patil | 17/03/2023 |
24 |
Publication of” Arthvedh” Wallpaper | Nobel Prize Winner - 2022 | Capt. Prin. Dr. Mahesh Gaikwad | 25/5/2023 |
C) Conference/Workshop
Sr.No. |
Title of Conference / Workshop / Seminar |
Date |
Level |
Publication |
1 |
“Indian Banking Present Status: Problems and Prospectus” |
18th Jan 2019 |
Lead College Workshop |
----- |
2 |
“Role of Cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development” |
14th & 15th Feb 2019 |
Two-Day National Seminar |
ISBN 978-81-928632-5-2 |
3 |
“Green Marketing” |
17th Jan 2020 |
Lead College Workshop Seminar |
----- |
4 |
Digital Platform for Teaching and Learning in Social Sciences |
24th July 2020 |
National Webinar |
------ |
5 |
“75 Years of Indian Independence and the Journey of Indian Economy” |
11th October 2021 |
National Webinar |
---- |
6 |
“ 75 Years of Independence of India and Indian Economy ” |
01/03/2023 |
Lead College Workshop |
----- |
Prominent Alumni
- Manik Dongare, 1988 Batch (Editor, Daily Lokmat, Satara)
- Vinod Sagare, 2010 Batch (Assistant Professor Mahila Mahavidyalya, Karad )
- Asvini Patil, Batch 2012 (Jr. lecture, Nandgaon )
- Prajkta Kambale, Batch 2015 ( Head Constable, Mumbai)
- Amit Patil, Batch 2015 (Businessman)
- Amit Patil, Batch 2015 ( H.D.F. Finance, Satara)
- Amol Patil, Batch 2011 ( Head Constable, Satara)
- Aarti Tawate, Batch 2017 ( Conservator of Forest Dept, Mumbai)
- Sudhir Patil, Batch 2013 ( Transport Manager, Mumbai)
- Amol Pawar, Batch 2014 (M.R., Pune)
- Sandip Yadav, Batch 2015 (D.C.C. Bank, Karad)
Value Added Courses, Add-on Courses and Certificate Courses
‘A Value Added Certificate Course in Share Marketing’
‘A Value Added Certificate Course in IBPS’
SWOC Analysis
- Our department has qualified and experienced faculty.
- Organisation of various activities and programs for overall personality development of students.
- Independent Departmental Library
- No Post Graduation Course
- Average placement ratio.
- Fewer students pursuing higher education.
- Alumni participation is low Opportunities
- To start M.A. Economics
- IBPS Guidance Canter for Jobs in Banking Sector
- Assistance to students for employment as well as self-employment through various skill courses
- Introduction of interdisciplinary courses
- Initiating career oriented courses
- To create awareness among the students about research in economics
- Improve communication skills in English
Name: Dr. M. S. Suryawanshi
Qualification: M.A. Ph. D,NET & SET
Experience: 15 years
Name:Mr. J. S. Chavan
Qualification: M.A. ,SET
Experience: 8 years
Name: Mr. A. S. Jagtap
Qualification:M.A., NET & SET
Experience: 5 years
Name:Mrs. S. J. Latavade
Qualification:M. A., M. Phil, SET
Experience: 4 years
Other Info
Future Plan
To organise National, International Level conference
To Start IBPS Guidance Centre
To establish Post graduate department
To start Student Bank
To organise Job Oriented Workshops
Best Practices
‘Arthvishwa Sadar’, Publication: twice in a week (each year) on the blackboard in the premises, (Economic Updates: BSE, NSE, Rate of Gold & Silver and Foreign Exchanges, etc.)